Are Call of Duty Servers Down Black Ops 3 Pc

the reason why we can't tell you the exact time of posting is that our shopee account is crashing when there are a lot of people waiting. hence, we cannot double check if there are errors in checking out such as COD option. posting time is around 5-6pm

@TushirG @ATVIAssist Contract @donaldfixx on Instagram who helped me with the same issue. Try contacting him he will be of help to you

@flipkartsupport @Flipkart Whenever I try to order a product, it is showing that COD is not available. The reason for Covid is being told in the message. Whereas in Bihar, the cases of covid are decreasing in almost the whole country.Please resolve this glitch as soon as possible

@fiercegamingjr @CallofDuty @ATVIAssist The costumer service is bad they won't render you no help, fixercali on Instagram is the one helping us out here.

@CallofDuty @Activision You guys need to stop releasing cods or at least learn how to fix it you guys have a balancing team as good as ******* League Of Legends..

@TushirG @ATVIAssist I think waiting for support teams wouldn't be helpful send @berrytech1 on Instagram a dm he's gonna fix it

@Owljutsu Trust me, just like CoD there's a crash lol

@TushirG @ATVIAssist The costumer service is bad they won't render you no help, fixercali on Instagram is the one helping us out here.

@RavenSoftware & @ATVIAssist What's the hold up on the known issue with @CallofDuty Multiplayer "Installation Suspended" error on PS5? Do we need to pray for a miracle you'll find a solution or is this what's to be expected for customers that already paid for unplayable game?

@SHGames so y'all gonna fix your game? Y'all had 3 years and millions of dollars to create this game. This is the best y'all could come up with? Packet burst, broken *** guns, piss poor spawns. This company shouldnt ever create another cod game again.

@SHGames Also y'all claim to be "right there with us" but **** gets left broken for a long time in every cod before its fixed.

@CallofDuty I think you guys owe me a new PS5. Three times now your game has completely locked up my system and the only way to reboot it is to unplug the damn thing. Never had this issue with previous CODs.

@FabioCPineda @ATVIAssist i was really fed up when i had similar issues, support system did not even consider my complains i wrote them so many time but no response. i was recommended to #Phantom_tech90 on instagram he got mine perfectly fixed fast with everything safe....WhatsApp +1 (303)-219-8199

So im pretty sure my ps is totally it to where it doesn't overheat, but now I lag the entire time on gonna be off of cod till I find a job and save for a pc..Still going to be streaming daily, just not cod.😭

@FabioCPineda @ATVIAssist The costumer service is bad they won't render you no help, fixercali on Instagram is the one helping us out here.

@CallofDuty God damn it! When are you going to fix Modern Warfare!? Stuttering cutscenes and data packs self deleting on PS5! Do we need to sue you to fix this?! It's been over a year like this! **** Warzone and fix Modern Warfare!!

@brokenblade89 @ATVIAssist The costumer service is bad they won't render you no help, fixercali on Instagram is the one helping us out here.

The PS5 controllers have to be one of the worst controllers build wise I've ever had. -Two stick drift problems in less than one year -One has broken R2 button just from playing COD and now controller completely unresponsive while playing games

@NlNTENDOFANBOYS @ItsCaptainSlush Just because it has a campaign doesn't make it a good game... infinite warfare had a campaign and so did ghosts. I agree with u on the glitches but Vanguard is far from glitch free itself

@CallofDuty fix the stupid lunges with the Malays i should be able to die by a kid a mile away!!!!

@CallofDuty 4v4 is ******* garbage. Fix the shotguns.

@ATVIAssist call of duty warzone keeps dropping host/ games for the past two days even on payload can you guy's fix it

Splatterladder-Service-Status 2021-11-26 04:40 Game - Tracker - Calculator ET/RtCW ✅ ✅ IO-UrT ✅ ✅ COD 1/2 ✅ ✅ Quake 3 ✅ ✅ COD 4 ✅ ✅


i've developed more issues bc of cod 💔

Anyone else have issues with dev error on Xbox get into game an 30 seconds later kicked to dev error @CallofDuty @Treyarch @WarzoneIntel

@DashySZN I'm bad at cod. And during a gb match with nothing at stake when we were losing, they ddos us. Lol

@Pelichans Cold war was really fun. Sbmm and $60 broken games are holding cod back

@itzismailkazan @ATVIAssist @charlieINTEL If you're having trouble with your account I suggest you contact #phantom_tech90 on instagram, they are so professional they work with so much intelligence they render the best and most discreet and safe services, am sure they can help WhatsApp +1 (303)-219-8199

@the_clay_bird @ModernWarzone yes which is dog ****. You cant sit here and say COD is a quality game lmao Random times you cant host games, FOV locked at 80 in random games, unlimited kill streak glitch with dead drop, dont make me laugh
Are Call of Duty Servers Down Black Ops 3 Pc